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Tentang Lagos – Tips membeli Tahu

Ada yang jualan Tahu segar di Lagos? Ada dong! *bangga*

Gw percaya, dimana ada komunitas keturunan Cina, disitu bakal ada Tahu dan produk pangan khas Asia lainnya.

Di Lagos (Victoria Island dan Ikoyi) , ada beberapa tempat yang jual Tahu segar:

1. Supermarket Shoprite, Park n Shop, Delis dan 9 to 7 menjual Tahu segar dan keluaran pabrik. Tapi yang segar belum tentu ada setiap saat sih. Jumlahnya pun terbatas. Yang gak segar alias dalam vacuum box jumlahnya lebih banyak.

2. Restoran Sister Zhou di Saka Tinubu Street. Mereka cuma jual Tahu segar, sampingan bisnis rutinnua yaitu restoran masakan Cina. Enciknya baik. Dengan bahasa Inggris yang minimum dia bisa survive hidup dan membuka usaha di Lagos selama bertahun2. Lucunya pekerja di restorannya yang notabene orang lokal pada bisa berbahasa Cina dengan logat lokal. Cuma mereka yang bisa mengerti apa yang lagi diomongin.

3. Toko kelontong Cina di Pasar Ilasan / Pasar Jakande / Pasar Lekki. Disini selain Tahu segar, kita juga bisa menemukan Tauge, Tepung Ketan, Tepung Beras, bumbu2 khas masakan Cina dll. Uniknya, toko ini cuma jualan Tahu di hari Jum’at, Sabtu dan Minggu aja. Dimana Tahu hari Sabtu yang rasanya paling enak dan milky dibanding Tahu hari2 lainnya. Dan Tahu hari Sabtu juga yang paling lembut. Sebaiknya tiba di pasar jam 9 pagi. Selain lebih gampang cari tempat parkir, juga masih kebagian Tahu. Jam 12 atau 1 siang, Tahu lembut nan nikmat itu biasanya sudah habis.

Semoga sebentar lagi ada toko yang jual Durian dan Pete. Amin.


Kemarin makan Coto Makasar yang rasanya enak banget. Saking enaknya sampe minta tambah. Tapi kok ditunggu2 tambahannya gak datang2 juga.
Sampe akhirnya gw kebangun. Oh ternyata mimpi…

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

— Robert Frost

French Bazaar

It’s happening today, as I write this post. I saw the ad since 3 weeks ago and I’ve been looking forward to it.


I arrived around 11 am and directly consumed by the varieties of the items that are available in this bazaar. Here are few photos that I took today and hopefully can gives a hint of what is this bazaar looks like:







RAG 2014

Two years ago I was one of the gazelles participating in the only all female off road rally which was taking place in Morocco. This year one team from Indonesia is also participating. I follow their progress via website

I did the same thing too last year. But only now I found out that they offer 2 types of google maps, Satelite and Simple Map.
Excellent! Now I can roughly guess where are the routes that the committee have prepared.

Just in case I will go there again and redo the rallye’s route but not as participants.
Just rent a 4WD car and drive along the gazelles’ route, but this time using GPS.



Six political zones of Nigeria: States and Capital

Useful information on states and capital in Nigeria.
